Saturday, January 18, 2014

One healthy and one sick what a week.....

So the day after Emma finally was 100 percent better, Taylor starting throwing up.  What a way to be woken up, with Daddy screaming " he is sick"!  For the next few hours it was a lot of laundry and a sad little man.  He spent the next two days laying on me or on the couch in his pjs with a fever.  It was so sad, he has hardly ever been sick and never thrown up.  He hated not being able to eat and whined a lot.  But I enjoyed the little snuggles and his sweet, warm head laying on my shoulder.  He is now eating and acting so much better!  Whew what a busy week!  Praying that next week we are all well!  This mommy is tired... and my washer needs a break.

 Emma after her little OR visit the other day

Taylor passed out on my bed while sick!

Taylor playing a little while sick!

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