Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Frozen Day Two and The Extra Day due to frozen pipes, heaters etc!!

Snow day number two yesterday with the kiddos, means we have been in the house now over 36 hours and mommy is getting a little crazy:)  However, the kids had a lot of fun.  We of course had to stay in our comfy clothing/PJS since it was still below freezing.  Emma and I rocked our matching fuzzy socks as well!

Here is a peak into our fun on day two:
We made a few more art projects!
 Emma got her nails done hoping we were going to school on Wednesday!
 She finished coloring her washable pet
 We made bears hibernating craft together!  Guess who had the rainbow bear?
 We made brownies for dessert, because why not!
 We had a Farmer Jason hoe down!
 Then the princess and Taylor had fun with some new do a dot pages.
 They played house, and here they are using their suitcases to go to a wedding.
 Played with vintage Lincoln logs and party blowers:)  
 Lost Taylor for a few minutes and he had sneaked my phone to play PBS kids :)  

My husband got home that night, and we received the news that their were so many schools still without heat, busted pipes and buses that could not start, that we would be out one more day.  After, I stopped crying (not really) and Emma really did stop crying.  I decided that since it would finally be above freezing that we would be getting out of the house on Wednesday or mommy might need a vacation in a funny farm LOL!

Luckily a dear friend invited us to come play with her two girls.  So, we bundled up on Day three of Frozen and went to her house.  The kids played and we got to sit and talk. So NICE!!!  Then, we headed to Meme's house for some McD's and playtime with Hudson.  They wore themselves out and then we headed home and all took a nap.  I got to hold Emma's sweet hand as we snuggled in for our nap.  Then, Taylor woke early from his and wanted me to hold him, and I held him for over thirty minutes till Emma woke and wanted her hearing aides in.  Then, daddy took pity on a tired mommy and took them all to Emma's speech meeting and I cleaned the floors.

Tomorrow they finally go back to school from Winter break and Emma is thrilled.  I will head to work and Taylor will get some one on one time with his grandparents.  Normal routine here we finally come!

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