So I thought I would share a little bit of what Emma is working on at PT. I do not attend every week anymore, that became a Daddy and Emma event, when I started working some on Monday's, and to be honest with us both there she played more then worked. But I went this last week, since I have not been in a while and checked out what she is working on at PT. (physical therapy for those not use to the intials:) )
Working on stooping to pick up objects.
Help I am stuck in the foam pit. Think I will take a nap!
Working on walking up Emma sized steps:)
Trying to walk up "normal size steps" using alternating legs, this is hard for someone so short.
Going down the slide after walking up the steps!
We are so proud of her and all she is working on at therapy. She is working mostly on steps, transistions (from floor to standing, from standing to the floor etc), jumping, and walking farther and farther. She enjoys PT most Monday's and also seems to be doing well with her Metro Therapist on Tuesday's, she actually meet all her Metro PT goals and we are meeting to make write new ones into her IEP (indvidualized Education plan).
On Wednesday Emma had to visit her favorite Peds Dr because I believed she had an UTI. Once again I was correct, but the drama to get her cathed for the test. Thank goodness Daniel left work to help hold her down, since last time I hurt myself. So, we are on a ten day heavy duty dose of meds to clear it up. I hate that I am always right when I think she has one. We see her urologist in April, and after the few UTI's we have had lately, I am sure he will order some test to see what is going on. YUCK!
This Wednesday we meet with the Special Education group to start work on her IEP for next year. We can only make new goals for the rest of this year and next year, but we can not formalize plans for next year or make Summer plans yet, the school's will not allow it yet. Which stinks since we will have to meet again, and I really hate meeting with them. I tend to get mad or annoyed by all the stupid hoops to get services. But she finally got an OT (occupational therapy) evaluation done this week, it only took from Augut till now to do it, and hopefully that means if she needs to start OT they will be at the meeting and we can finally start that.
Well, I think that is enough intials to throw at you in one post, so I will end there. But like my blog's name says, our life is different but oh so normal to us. Luckily despite it all Emma is full of love and laughter.
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