I was so excited when this new Bible came in the mail last week. The past year or so we have really struggled with Emma's medical conditions. We have had many many set backs and ups and downs. We are also currently facing two major surgeries in the next few months with our brave girl. This all takes a toll on the caregivers as well as Emma. One place I like to look for renewed strength is to my God in heaven. This beautiful Bible is going to be my new bedside best friend as it guides me through rocky days ahead.
This Bible is not only beautiful, but it has many many great extras to help those who suffer or care for those who are medically sick or injured. There are special reading plans, devotions, insights from Joni, profiles of real people to teach us, connection points to help you apply verses to your everyday life and so much more. The word of our amazing God is brought to life with emphasis on how to help us on those dark days full of questions and doubt. It is geared for those struggling with Why questions and how to pull themselves or their loved ones up out of the pit.
I can not wait to dive into these Bible More and more and learn and grow based on what is able to show me. I pray that it helps me be a better mom to the one in my life that lives in pain and faces more and more medical days then most adults have in their lives. She is my hero and I need to remember that our God is amazing and to share that with her in a way she can understand and gain power from. I am thankful for the awesome team that brought this Bible to be for all of us who need some help.
check out my review on Amazon here
God bless you all!!