Monday, April 6, 2015

Emma Turns Nine!!!

How do I have a nine year old??  There is no way, that my baby girl turned nine tonight.  I am in total and full denial.  But she has loudly proclaimed all day that this is indeed true.  My sweet Rose turned nine tonight as her sweet head hit the pillow and she said a prayer for her friend who moved last week.  Emma was born at 8:16 at night, a Thursday night to be exact.  

This year we decided to not do a huge party with all her friends.  They are a lot of fun, but honestly are a lot of work and stress. So, we talked to Emma and planned a few smaller experiences to celebrate her upcoming day of birth.  The fun thing was she got to do a few smaller party type things and made her day last a lot longer then one big party.  

We started celebrating about a week and half before her birthday.  Her school was out on Spring break and we had more time do fun things.  She started by getting to go get her first manicure with Aunt Jenn and mexican and hot chocolate from Starbucks.  She had a blast and her nails still look so pretty.  She really enjoyed having girl day with one of her aunts.  Then, we had a small family party with the Zook side of the family.  It included tacos and her favorite brownies.

Kendrick helping out!
Aunt Jenn is loaning Emma her Little House Books and she is in love with the stories.
Being sang to!

Then, on the last day of spring break we meet up with some close friends to play at the park and have a picnic with purple cupcakes to celebrate the almost Nine year old.  These are some of our closest friends and the kids love spending time together.  Especially when it involves a playground and food:)  

The crew!!
Yesterday, we took a break from the Easter fun and celebrated her birthday with the Clark family!!  Thanks Meme for the awesome decorations and fun at your house!  This time it was pink cupcakes and lots of giggles!
playing with her new soccer ball from Hudson!
Are these for me??
The new American Girl books and mini doll!
night gown
Meme telling her about an upcoming shopping trip that I will share about when it happens:)  
Happy to be with Family!
Well finally we came to today!  Taylor and I spent the morning adding to her decorations to surprise her after school.  

 We then took her lunch from Wendy's (chicken nuggets and a baked potato)  and cookies to share with her friends.  Emma really prefers cookies or brownies over cupcakes.  It was fun to eat with her and a friend during the school day.  After homework daddy came home to surprise her with her big gift.  She asked for a new scooter and it took a few weeks and a lot of looking to find her one that was safe but tall enough for Emma.  She can not balance on a razor so we had to look really hard for another three wheeled scooter that would hold her weight and height.  Daddy finally found a pink one!!

 a kiss to thank me!!

 After dinner of tacos (did you see a food theme when she got to pick what we ate?  Yep always tacos) we opened a few more presents.  

 excited she got two of the american girl movies she loves.  Our local libraries will be glad we will no longer be hogging those movies lol!
 I had found this new barbie during consignment sale time and have been holding on to it.  She loves cooking and barbies so chef barbie was a big hit
 One more signing and making a wish.  wish big sweet girl!

 These two have been together from day one.  Daniel stood by her bed in the NICU when I was still across town.  He was able to care for her more when I was still healing after we both came home.  He actually was home more in the first few months of her life due to his work hours.  He is a great dad and these two have spent nine years reading bedtime stories together.  Now instead of just daddy reading, Emma takes a turn too.  Times change but these two bond does not.

Happy Birthday sweet girl!  Love you to the moon and back!

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