Monday, July 14, 2014

Finding the Balance

To be honest, this summer has not really gone as planned.  We knew this summer would be tough with her surgery etc, but we still planned on a few weeks at camp for her and lots of water fun.

Well we were taken out of the first month of water fun when her surgeon told us to wait due to her complicated surgery.  Then, we had to make the hard choice to not send her to her day camp this summer for many reasons.  Then, we found out she needed two sessions of Physical therapy in hopes of getting her stronger for school, and that is on top of the hour she already has of speech.  We are also having to spend part of each day working on her listening skills with her new amazing ear!!!!But with her new ear has come ten hours of appointments already this summer and we have a few more before school starts.

I type all of that to say, it has been a crazy start to summer.  Minus our awesome trip to Chattanooga that I will finish blogging about one of these days.  But you know what I can choose to be sad or choose to move on and make the best of it.  So, I have chosen to work hard to fit fun in whenever and however we can. That may mean we eat a lot of picnic packed dinners as we head to a park after one of her many therapy appointments.  It might mean we wake up from nap and head to the local splash pad for an hour of fun before a later dinner.  Whatever it means, I am trying to find a balance for all of us. The kids are loving the unexpected turns we are taking and the change up of schedules.  We have three more weeks before Emma goes back and we will make the best of each day.  It may not be what I dreamed of, but you know what it is better then what I dreamed.  IT is family and it is fun!!

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