Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Berry Pickin!

There is a local farm that carries all kinds of fresh foods and organic products, and this year they are allowing strawberry picking for a small price.  So, I decided to go on a adventure with little man and we headed to the farm.

Here is the lizard we found on the porch when we got there!

 He was so excited to get his own basket to fill up.  Funny thing is, he has never tried a strawberry, but he was excited to be a farmer like Farmer Jason!  Hopefully we can get him to try one tonight, they are really tasty!
 Headed to the patch!
 Trying to pick his own, but he had a hard time picking them without squishing them.  So, he ended up being the spotting the yummy ones.  Oh and spotting the bees flying around, which he is very afraid of.
 He thought it was fun to keep trying to pick them.  I tried to put a few in my basket but he only liked them in his:)  

 You see mommy!
 We saw lots of odd shaped ones!
 A Mom is here photo shot!  Trying to remember to take at least one photo with me in it.  I hate being in photos, but want to cherish and have these memories to look back on, so here is our selfie!
 Our Yummy strawberries!
 Heading back in!

 They had a small playground and picnic tables to eat lunch on!  Taylor had fun at both.  We ended our picnic early when he saw another bee. Did I mention he was stung a few weeks ago for the first time.  He is not so found of bees anymore!

 We picked up some homemade salsa, some candy, and some goat milk soaps as well.  It was a fun morning and lots of memories made with my little man.  He told me "I love you farmer mommy" before naptime today.  

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