Monday, January 6, 2014

Frozen Day One

With the dusting of snow on the ground and the wind chill in the negative numbers, we are on inside lock down her at the Z household!  I refuse to go outside till it is above freezing or Wednesday when Emma goes back to school:)  So today we had pj/warm clothing day and played inside.  

We played with our snowy train table

We did some painting

 We played dolls in sissy's room!
 Mommy may have let us have a pretend snowball fight with the cotton balls from the snowy train table

 We made snowmen pictures

 Taylor played with letters on the fridge
 And the kids made their own fox puppets to play with while they sing "What the Fox says"

It is really cold and I am still in my own PJs at almost 10 at night, but it was a fun day inside with my kiddos!  We all took a nap, which means I got to snuggle with Emma and hold her hand while she falls asleep.  Loved making memories today and looking forward to Frozen day two tomorrow!  Okay maybe I would rather it reach above freezing but I am looking forward to having some more fun with the kids.

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