Thursday, August 11, 2011

I wish

Today my wish is that our life was not full of dr's visits, tests, sedations, and stress!!
We met with a social worker this week as part of the process for cochlear implants and she informed us, that based on our parent stress index paperwork, we scored off the charts on stress. Then, she said she understood after reading Emma's background, but that we had to start taking time for ourselves and as a couple. (we try but not hard enough). We are stressed for sure, but so is our whole family (aunts, uncle, grandparetns etc) and most of importantly Emma is as well. She just clung to me tonight, scared to go to sleep alone. She has major meltdowns lately too (worse then ever). We are going to so many appts right now for her hearing and her "normal" medical stuff, and it is wearing us all down.
I just wish our biggest worry right now was starting her new class at her new school! My goal for tomorrow is spending time with Emma and Taylor just being at home and playing and having fun! We just need a day to play! My Emma is so strong and has been through so much, I just wish she could not have..... A song phrase has been running through my head all day "there will come a day, with no more pain" I am sure that 100 years from now when Emma faces God in heaven, her wings will be brighter than bright!!


Ellen Mallernee Barnes said...

you are a wonderful mother. i admire your strength AND your vulnerability. xoxo

kate said...

so sorry you guys are having a rough time right now. I can't even imagine how stressful it it to be in your situation. Hopefully things will calm down soon. Wish there was something i could do to help make it better.